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Journal from OJS 2549-3760 /
Oleh : YUSEVA GITA ARI ASTUTI, Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Kesehatan
Dibuat : , dengan 1 file

Keyword : Post Partum Hemorrhagic Incidence
Url : http://

According to WHO (World Health Organization) in 2015 the maternal mortality rate was

around 303,000 KH. Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Banten Province in 2017 reached 227 /

100,000 KH. The incidence of postpartum hemorrhagic mothers (HPP) in Berkah Pandeglang

Regional Hospital in 2018 was 143 / 1,260 maternity.

This study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of post partum

hemorrhagic (HPP) in maternity in the Berkah Pandeglang Regional Hospital in 2018.

This research method uses a cross sectional survey with a population of 1,260 women in

labor and a sample of 304 women with simple random sampling. The data collection in this study

used secondary data taken from medical records. The analysis examined includes the frequency

distribution of each variable and the relationship between the dependent variable and the

independent variable using the Chi Square statistical test.

Based on univariate research, it was obtained from 304 maternal majority majority of

mothers without Postpartum Hemorrhagic (HPP) namely 185 mothers (60.9%), maternal age was

not at risk ie 210 mothers (69.1%), parity was not at risk that was 218 mothers (71.7%), and did

not experience long parturition, namely 257 mothers (84.5%), while based on bivariate research,

it was found that there was no relationship between maternal age with the occurrence of Po st

Partum Hemorrhagic (HPP) with p value = 0.940, there was the relationship between parity with

the occurrence of Post Partum Hemorrhagic (HPP) with p value = 0.002, there is a relationship

between old parturition with the occurrence of Post Partum Hemorrhagic (HPP) with p value =


It is expected that the Director at Berkah Pandeglang Regional Hospital can improve health

services for patients who experience post partum hemorrhagic events (HPP) by involving their

employees in training or seminars on handling post partum hemorrhagic (HPP).

Deskripsi Alternatif :

According to WHO (World Health Organization) in 2015 the maternal mortality rate was

around 303,000 KH. Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Banten Province in 2017 reached 227 /

100,000 KH. The incidence of postpartum hemorrhagic mothers (HPP) in Berkah Pandeglang

Regional Hospital in 2018 was 143 / 1,260 maternity.

This study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of post partum

hemorrhagic (HPP) in maternity in the Berkah Pandeglang Regional Hospital in 2018.

This research method uses a cross sectional survey with a population of 1,260 women in

labor and a sample of 304 women with simple random sampling. The data collection in this study

used secondary data taken from medical records. The analysis examined includes the frequency

distribution of each variable and the relationship between the dependent variable and the

independent variable using the Chi Square statistical test.

Based on univariate research, it was obtained from 304 maternal majority majority of

mothers without Postpartum Hemorrhagic (HPP) namely 185 mothers (60.9%), maternal age was

not at risk ie 210 mothers (69.1%), parity was not at risk that was 218 mothers (71.7%), and did

not experience long parturition, namely 257 mothers (84.5%), while based on bivariate research,

it was found that there was no relationship between maternal age with the occurrence of Po st

Partum Hemorrhagic (HPP) with p value = 0.940, there was the relationship between parity with

the occurrence of Post Partum Hemorrhagic (HPP) with p value = 0.002, there is a relationship

between old parturition with the occurrence of Post Partum Hemorrhagic (HPP) with p value =


It is expected that the Director at Berkah Pandeglang Regional Hospital can improve health

services for patients who experience post partum hemorrhagic events (HPP) by involving their

employees in training or seminars on handling post partum hemorrhagic (HPP).

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PropertiNilai Properti
ID PublisherOJS 2549-3760
_ORGANIZATIONAsosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Kesehatan
Nama KontakAlfiansyah, S.Kom., M.Kom
AlamatKapten Sumarsono
DaerahSumutara Utara
Telepon+62 852-7055-6169
FaxNot Available



  • , Editor: Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Kesehatan
