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What is Open Journal Systems?
Open Journal Systems (OJS) is an open-source software for the management of peer-reviewed academic journals, and is created by the Public Knowledge Project, released under the GNU General Public License. Open Journal Systems (OJS) was designed to facilitate the development of open access, peer-reviewed publishing, providing the technical infrastructure not only for the online presentation of journal articles, but also an entire editorial management workflow, including: article submission, multiple rounds of peer-review, and indexing. OJS relies upon individuals fulfilling different roles, such as journal manager, editor, reviewer, author, and reader. It has a module that supports subscription journals. 

Where can I download it?
You can download it from: this web site: (managed by Opensource),

Is it free to publish journal on it?
Yes, it is free, but we need a small contribution for lease web server. A small fee just 150.000 rupiahs for submitted 1 journal.

Where can I get support to implement it in my organization?
You can get support from ( This service probably is not free. Well, they also need your contribution to keep the maintenance going on the way. Anyway.. just contact them.